Katrina Dodd er Editor at Large i Contagious – et kreativt og strategisk selskap som hjelper byråer og merkevarer med å utvikle kreativ, innovativ og effektiv markedsføring.
Her får du en smakebit på noe av det Katrina skal snakke om når hun foreleser på Den Store Annonsørdagen 13. oktober.
What does Contagious Creativity mean right now? This eclectic line-up of campaigns is hand-picked by the Contagious team for solving common challenges in uncommon, effective ways. Drawing from our unparalleled collection of case studies, this session includes examples from a broad range of categories, budgets and markets. We’ll walk you through the mechanics of each piece of work, digging into why it works and the impact it had. Prepare to be inspired, stimulated, and also… jealous.
You’ll learn:
- The inspiration and insights underpinning each campaign
- The transferrable learnings that can be applied to other categories and challenges
- New ways of tackling familiar problems
At Contagious, every day is Judgement Day – but we hardly ever give out awards!
Katrina Dodd
Imagine having the time to spend discussing and analysing the best advertising and marketing from around the world – and the luxury of never having the pressure of coming up with those ideas yourself! At Contagious, this is what we call work! It’s our job to look at hundreds of average – and often downright disappointing – campaigns, filtering out the good stuff to dissect and share with our clients at brands at agencies around the world. Sure, you can see this stuff at the awards shows – eventually. But you can usually see it first – and hear about the insights and strategy that underpin its success – on Contagious.
We live in a world where it’s common for people to pay to avoid advertising – and just as common for brands to pay for advertising that fails at its most basic task: being noticed. Those are the challenges that Contagious exists to help brands overcome.