
Merkevarebygging i det norske B2B-markedet –styrker og svakheter

ANFO har jevnlig kontakt med skoler og studenter innen markedsføringsfaget. Vi hjelper ofte studenter med vinklinger på problemstillinger og skoler med oppdatert tallmateriale og informasjon om medie-, reklame og kommunikasjonsbransjen. NHH er en av skolene som har fått ANFO-besøk i form av årlig gjesteforelesning med tittelen «Measurement of com effects: Industry standards and practices».

I den senere tid har ANFO bidratt med støtte og informasjon til masteroppgaven til elevene Alina Khurram og Senja Lundén ved NHH. Oppgaven er nå ferdig og vi har fått lov å dele innholdet. Det viktigste funnene de presenterer er:

“All companies were aware of the need to differentiate from competitors and identified intangible differentiating factors. Furthermore, multiple companies discussed how their target perceptions affect varying elements of the marketing mix, which is extremely positive as it showcases that the companies generally use their target perceptions as part of their operations. However, as strategic resources together with customer needs are the basis for successful differentiation according to theory, it is clear that based on this study’s sample, the majority of companies do not operate according to the normative theory”.

Her er et kortfattet sammendrag fra masteroppgaven «Executive Summary about the Strengths and Weaknesses of B2B Branding in Norway”:


Based on our thesis, B2B companies have defined targets for perceptions. All companies identified intangible perceptions related to their competence, skills, and unique business characteristics. These included for example expertise, trustworthiness, agility, local ownership, and close customer relationships. Furthermore, all companies were aware of the need to differentiate from competitors and identified intangible differentiating factors. Most companies used some form of customer or market data in the creation of the perceptions and differentiators, indicating a focus on customer needs and goals. Regarding the implementation of the target perceptions into the marketing mix, the majority of companies identified their product, people, process, and promotion being influenced by the target perceptions. This is extremely positive as it showcases that companies generally use their target perceptions as a guide in varying parts of their operations.


All companies identified differentiating elements, but only six were categorised to have ideal differentiation, where only one mentioned strategic resources. Several companies presented their values as target perceptions, and some mentioned differentiating factors that were not initially mentioned as target perceptions. Furthermore, the majority of the companies have brand books with strategic considerations, but still only one company mentioned their strategic resources in their differentiation. In some cases, the target perceptions and PODs identified by the companies did not clearly describe the benefits to the target groups. As strategic resources together with customer needs are the basis for successful differentiation according to theory, it is clear that based on this study’s sample, the majority of companies do not operate according to the normative theory. Physical evidence was nearly absent from our findings and none of the companies specifically mentioned what they do to reduce the customer’s perceived risk. Lastly, price was only touched upon by two companies. Generally, it is assumed that a well-positioned brand would be able to change premium prices. Premium pricing in B2B is a complicated matter which not only depends on the brand but on criticality, complexity, and switching costs from the customer’s points of view.

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