På Loyalty Day får vi besøk av Julia Paulsen og Andreas Einesson fra Elkjøp. De skal fortelle detaljer fra bedriftens suksesshistorie i presentasjonen «ForedragLoyalty 2.0 – How Elkjøp is pushing customer centricity to the next level in practice».
Hvordan komme i gang å jobbe kundesentisk?
Vi får høre hvordan Elkjøp konkret jobber med kundesentrisk tilnærming til kundene sine. Hvordan dette påvirker bedriftsstrukturen og ikke minst hva de har gjort på utviklerfronten.
Andreas forteller hvordan de gikk fra null til 6,2 millioner medlemmer i kundeklubben på rekordtid og hvordan de jobber videre med deres Loyalty 2.0 initiativ.
Julia deler hvordan de har implementert den kundesentriske tilnærmingen i egen merkevarebygging og i den digitale delen av organisasjonen. Hun viser oss også hvordan de jobber i praksis med deres nye platform.
Mer om Julia og Andreas:
Julia Paulsen, Director of eCommerce Nordics:
Julia Paulsen is a tech and data enthusiasts, author, digital expert and E24 leader talent. She is driving women in tech further as Oda advisory board member with a motto «what you can’t measure doesn’t exist».
Currently Julia is Director of eCommerce of Elkjøp Nordics and in the midst of implementing a new commerce platform in all Elkjøp markets. She is pushing the Coaching Leadership further with experience from her previous roles as Head of Marketing and Digital Sales at fully digital SMB bank Aprila, as Head of Digital Sales and Service at DNB, Director of Digital Strategy at Telenor Digital and Brand Manager of Nordics at the ecommerce giant Zalando.
She has been working a lot with digital transformation and how to do agile in practice and written a book for the recipe for success: “WOW: Smells like team spirit. Your practical guide to agile and all that buzz (www.wowbook.no).
Andreas Einesson, Nordic Loyalty Manager:
Andreas has impressive 17 years in the Elkjøp family and has held many positions during his time from Store Manager, Marketing Coordinator, CRM and Loyalty specialist, Nordic Head of CRM and Loyalty and now as Elkjøp’s Mr Loyalty pushing our customer club further with Loaylty 2.0 initiative.
Andreas started the customer club in Sweden 2015 and together with an awesome team developed and implemented the Nordic Loyalty Program in 2019 that become one of the largest club in the Nordic with 6,2 million members.