I går avholdt vi webinar med selveste Peter Field, The Godfather of Effectiveness, og Orlando Wood, en annen stjerne fra den britiske markedsføringsbransjen og konsulentfirmaet System1. Vår egen Håvard Rønnevig bakken var konferansier og ledet oss igjennom det hele.
Vi var oppe hos AVIA Produksjon for innspilling, og hadde med oss Peter og Orlando på link fra London. Her kan du se litt bilder fra produksjonen.
Backstage: Håvard Rønnevig Bakken i Oslo på direkte linje med Peter Field og Orlando Wood i London.
Peter og Orlando holdt presentasjoner og tok blant annet opp:
- I lys av Covid-19, hvordan markedsfører man seg best nå?
- Skal bedrifter i det hele tatt markedsføre i krisetider?
- Hvordan utnytte ESOV?
- Mer effekt med mindre budsjetter? Er det mulig?
- Kort eller lang sikt? Eller begge deler?
- Kan vi i det hele tatt lære noe fra tidligere resesjoner? Eller er denne situasjonen helt uten historisk sidestykke?
- + Mye mer
Se hele webinaret her:
I tillegg fikk vi spørsmål under webinaret som vi ikke fikk tid til å ta opp:
Spørsmål: Dentsu Aegies clients are moving away from traditional channels and moving more over to 1-1, content marketing and digital advertising. What is your take on moving away from mass communication? Why is Norway falling behind with focusing on short term and not reach and brand?
Svar fra Orlando Wood: I think it’s sadly inevitable that we’ll see this crisis accelerate the move away from broad reach media towards online (and increasingly targeted) advertising. As I think Peter has said, reach gives you length of effect, narrow targeting works in the short-term. I can’t comment on Norway specifically, but short-termism is part of a global trend that is having a detrimental effect on advertising style as much as it is on media choices.
If the creative principles I talk about are important on TV, they are imperative online. I illustrate this point with some recent work I’ve done on attention in the film I just made for Lions Live, which you can access here (it’s free to access, but you need to register). If brands want to use online advertising to increase their market share and drive long-term growth effects, then they need to create work that attracts and sustains attention, that elicits an emotional response. That means creating work that appeals to the right brain – characters, creatives, animals, the out-of-the-ordinary, that plays to our sense of awe. ‘Relevance’ isn’t enough, you have to entertain. This kind of creative may also work better in the short-term too.
I’m going to be doing some more work on this (with Peter) in the coming months, so watch this space!
Svar Peter Field: In my opinion the shift to 1-1 is the next big mistake of the digital era. It is very difficult to convey any consistent sense of brand with the 1-1 model and impossible to do it in a creatively inspiring way. There is no sustainable competitive advantage in 1-1 because the data that drives it is available to all competitors – only a strong brand can provide this. It will prove to be ineffective in the long term and merely the latest tool for short-term activation.
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